Monday, August 18, 2014

Top 40 Stocks Held By DGI Bloggers

I've always wondered what the most widely held dividend stocks are. Which names appeal to investors the most or at least to DGI (Dividend Growth Investors) like myself. So I thought I'd do a bit of investigative work. Pretty simply I counted up all of the positions held by my fellow dividend investors that are in my blogroll. Most of them have a link to their portfolios somewhere linked on their blogs which allowed me to see exactly what stocks they are holding at the moment. Then I just tallied up all of the names (and there was a lot) accordingly. As you can see there are a lot of familiar names.

Here I present to you the Top 40 dividend stocks held by my fellow DGI (Dividend Growth Investor) bloggers like me....

What do you think of the list? Do any of the stocks surprise you that they are that high or low ? There's some great names that didn't make the Top 40 as well. Companies like Visa (V), Caterpillar (CAT), Southern Company (SO) ,and Walgreens (WAG) didn't make the cut.


  1. Hey CD,
    I really like the information you provided here and it's no surprise that Coca-Cola is #1 on the list. I'm also surprised that Dr. Pepper Snapple (DPS), Walt Disney (DIS), Kelloggs (K), and Hershey's (HSY) are not that popular. Those companies need love to! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mongrel,

      Count me in on DPS and DIS. Well slowly since I'm starting positions in both through Loyal3. Already got a bit of DIS and DPS should come later this month.

    2. PIP,
      DPS and DIS have been killing it lately. My only regret is not buying more because I have been focusing on APPL, WMT, and MCD lately. DIS has a low yield but the growth here is going to be huge the next 5+ years. No one can beat or mimic the Dr. Pepper soda.

  2. Thanks for compiling this list. It's always interesting to see the bigger picture of what a lot of bloggers own. There's not too many surprises at the top of the list although there's a big discrepancy between T (20) and VZ (7) which seems a bit odd to me. VZ seems to be the better "growth" play especially after the purchase of the rest of VZ wireless from VOD. I'd be interested to see how this list changes over time using the same subset of bloggers to see how the concentrations/portfolios evolve. Thanks again for this look at some popular names.

    1. PiP, i think T is a great dividend starter and VZ is something you add later on. That juicy 5%+ dividend allows for quicker compounding.

  3. Cool list, thanks for posting! I found it interesting that more bloggers own ARCP over O and that not many own big bank stocks. Cheers!

    1. I imagine it that crazy high yield ARCP offers that has investors drooling over it.

  4. Great list Captain. Not many surprises in the top 10. I already own 6 of the top 10 and have couple more in my watch list.
    I own AAPL (from before they started paying dividends), but I am also surprised that it made it to the list even though they don't have a dividend history like the others.

  5. Great list, I hold 7 of the top 10 that you listed. Interesting to see that a lot of bloggers hold PM and ARCP. No banking stock at all which is interesting. I wonder how the list would be different if you include some Canadian bloggers like myself. :)

    1. There were some that didn't make the Top 40 like SBSI and CTBI. I did include some Canadian bloggers in the list but only their US stock positions. Thx for stopping by and I have added your blog to my list. Thought I already did that before. :-/


  6. Love seeing what my fellow DGI bloggers are holding. I expected a few more foreign names to be honest. I know RDS is in many portfolios and where are all the Canadian stocks? TD, BNS, RY, THI and more. Thanks for taking the time to compile this list.

    1. That's probably due to my bloglist, there's not a ton (maybe 4 or 5) canadian bloggers on it I believe. So the canadian holdings were there but didn't crack the top 40.

  7. Nice post -- I had a similar one in February looking at the collective holdings of 20 blogs. The top 10 (of my 31) stocks were MCD, CVX, JNJ, KO, KMI, O, PG, TGT, WMT and COP. Interesting to compare the results...

  8. Captain,

    Thanks for compiling this!

    There's only a few names up there that I actually don't own. Some really great businesses up there, so no surprise at all.

    Best wishes!

  9. Very cool list Captain! I see a few companies in our portfolio. And a few companies we still would like to add to our portfolio. All in all, very nice to see a snapshot of the popular stocks that this dividend investing community holds. Thanks for sharing your results.

    Wishing you continued success in your personal journey! AFFJ

  10. I currently have 26 positions in my portfolio and 22 of them are on the above list. Great topic you got there captain! Keep it up!

  11. Awesome list. Not surprised to see KO top the list, but surprised JNJ isn't higher. Feel like us DGI folks drool over it. Thanks for compiling this list.

    Thanks, Sam

  12. When I forst was compiling my buy list I did the same thing and tracked what everyone else was holding and then narrowed the list from there.

  13. Thanks for putting this list together!

    Dear Dividend

  14. Relative to many of the fine bloggers around here, I'm a novice when it comes to to DGI investing. Kind of nice to see that I own 10 of the top 12 on the list. (I don't hold any AFL or KMI). This is a great list. Thanks for putting it together.

  15. thanks for putting this list together! I think I own 11 companies from your list...:)

  16. Hi Captain -- just thought I'd let you know that your post and blogroll inspired me to expand mine at DivGro. It's now in a separate page, with links to public portfolios included. Check it out


  17. I guess it surprises me that KMI would be #2 on the list (and almost #1), especially as most of these positions would have been established before the recent restructuring. It's a decent company, but it does seem a little out of place up there at the very top with KO, PG, JNJ, etc.

  18. That is a nice list of stocks. Seems to be a diverse collection . Good job.

    Keep cranking,

    Robert the DividendDreamer

  19. This is very helpful. How often do you update this list? I seems to me that this list would be a great place to start if one had capital to invest.
