I've been nominated for a Liebster award from Ferdis over at
DivGro and I'd like to thank him for thinking of me for the award! The Liebster award is a really neat way to get followers to connect with other blogs with similar content. It follows similar principles as a chain letter, in the sense that it should be passed forward to a certain number of people (in this case 5). You just answer the questions posed by the nominator and then you nominate other blogs and ask them to answer 5 other questions of your own. So here goes ....
Here are the 5 questions DivGro asked of me:
1 - What is your favorite vacation destination?
I don't travel much at all but I have been to a few places like Colorado and Florida most recently but I think I'd love to go to Hawaii. That would be a beautiful place to visit, just not when a hurricane hits !
2 - What is your favorite movie and why ?
This is a toughie for me, there's so many great movies to choose from. It's hard to compare great films from different genres too. I mean comparing a movie like "Schindler's List" against a comedy like "Snatch" or "Airplane" isn't easy. However if I'm forced to make a choice I'd go with "Lord Of The Rings - Fellowship Of The Ring" as my favorite. I love the movie and I've watched it countless times even if it's just for background noise while I'm on the computer.
3 - If I could go back in time what is the one thing you would tell the 21-year old version of yourself?
Aside from something like the winning lottery numbers I'd probably tell myself to go to college and earn a degree. That was my biggest mistake and one of the reasons why I'm not in a job I enjoy.
4 - What is your favorite quote?
Normally I would say Carl Sagan's famous "Pale Blue Dot" speech but that might be a bit long to be considered a quote so I'll use another one of his ....
“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”
Carl Sagan
5 - What is the number one resource you use for your investment blog ?
I use several, many of which I have linked on my blog but without a doubt the one I use most is
Yahoo Finance.
My Nominees are:
I honestly don't know if any of them have been nominated by other bloggers yet or not but I enjoy following these blogs and you may too. Also if your a nominee please don't feel obligated to continue this chain but if you'd like to just answer the 5 questions below ...
My 5 questions to the above bloggers are as follows.
1 - Why did you start your blog ?
2 - What is your favorite tv series ?
3 - What was your favorite car you've ever owned ?
4 - What is your worst stock market or financial mishap ?
5 - What if anything do you do for exercise ?
Thanks again DivGro for the nomination!